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APO 500

4 January 1946

AG 091.1 (4 Jan 46) GS



THROUGH                  : Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.

SUBJECT                    : Removal and Exclusion of Undesirable Personnel from Public Office.

1. The Potsdam Declaration states: ''There must be eliminated for all time the authority and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest, for we insist that a new order of peace, security, and justice will be impossible until irresponsible militarism is driven from the world''.

2. In order to carry out this provision of the Potsdam Declaration, the Imperial Japanese Government is hereby ordered to remove from public office and exclude from government service all persons who have been:

a. Active exponents of militaristic nationalism and aggression.

b. Influential members of any Japanese ultra-nationalistic, terroristic, or secret patriotic society, its agencies or affiliates; or

c. Influential in the activities of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, the Imperial Rule Assistance Political Society or the Political Association of Great Japan,

as those terms are defined in Appendix A to this directive.

3. The term ''public office'' as used in this directive shall mean and include.

a. Any position in the government(原文givernment) service which is customarily filled by one with the civil service rank of Chokunin or above (or equivalent rank under any reorganization of the civil service system); or

b. Any other position in the government service not customarily filled by a member of the civil service which is equivalent or superior to the civil service rank of Chokunin (in the case of government corporations the term will include at least: Chairman of the Board of Directors, President, Vice-President, Director, Adviser and Auditor).

4. The term ''government service'', as used in this directive, shall mean and include all positions in the central Japanese and Prefectural Governments and all of their agencies and local branches, bureaus (including Regional Administrative Bureau) and offices and all positions in corporations, associations and other organizations in which said Governments or any of their agencies have a financial interest representing actual or working control.

5. The term ''remove from public office'' as used in this directive shall mean to discharge the person from the public office which he holds and to terminate his influence and participation therein, directly and indirectly. Persons removed from public office will not be intitled to any public or private pensions or other emoluments or benefits without the consent of this Headquarters. An official removed under this procedure will be dismissed summarily and will not be intitled to the hearing or other procedures precedent to removal to which he may have been entitled under Japanese law.

6. The term ''exclude from government service'' as used in this directive shall mean to bar the person in question from any position in the government service. Thus, persons removed from public office will be disqualified from holding any other positions in the government service. Also persons who may not be holding public offices from which they must be removed, may nevertheless be disqualified from taking a position in the government service. This disqualification from holding public office shall be continued until the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration quoted in paragraph 1 have been fulfilled in Japan.

7. The mere removal of officials from public office and the exclusion from government service of those persons described herein will not be sufficient to establish the new order of peace, security and justice envisaged by the Potsdam Declaration. If Japan is to achieve a peacefully inclined the responsible government, the greatest care must be taken to appoint new officials who will foster the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people and who will respect fundamental human rights and freedom of speech, religion and thought. If existing civil service qualification regulations provide obstacles to the appointment of such officials or unduly narrow the field from which appointments may be made, such regulations shall be amended or superseded.

8. The removals ordered by this directive shall be effected as expeditiously as possible, priority being given to the more important positions. Removal may be postponed in the case of individuals who are absolutely required to insure demobilization of the Japanese armed forces in the outlying theaters or to carry out the provisions of this directive. When their assistance is no longer absolutely required they will be dismissed. The names of such individuals, their positions, the reason for their disqualification, and the reasons for their temporary retention will promptly be reported to this Headquarters. The time of their final dismissal will also promptly be reported.

9. Appendix ''A'' contains a list of the categories of persons who must be removed from public office and excluded from government service by the Imperial Japanese Government in order to carry out the provisions of paragraph 2 of this directive. Persons included in the categories listed in Appendix ''A'' shall be removed from public office as provided in paragraphs 8 and 10 and shall thereafter be excluded from government service. However, if the Imperial Japanese Government represents that in order to carry on indispensable peaceful executive activities of such government, the temporary reinstatement of an individual so removed is essential and that it is impossible to obtain a suitable replacement, an application so stating, signed by a responsible official of the Imperial Japanese Government, may be filed with this Headquarters. Such applications shall contain a statement of the name, rank, position, duties, and responsibilities of the individual involved; shall state fully the reasons why such temporary reinstatement is regarded as essential, the requested period of temporary reinstatement and the efforts made to obtain a suitable replacement. Such application shall be accompanied by a copy of the questionaire described in paragraph 10, below. No such temporary reinstatement will be effected by the Imperial Japanese Government until this Headquarters has registered its approval in writing.

10. In order to insure that the government service is cleansed of undesirable personnel the following action will be taken:

a. The Imperial Japanese Government will instruct each of its Ministries or other appropriate agencies to remove from the positions described in paragraph 3 which are within its competence, any persons whom the records show or who are known to have been within the categories listed in Appendix ''A''. A Questionaire (see below) will be obtained from each such individual before he is notified of his dismissal.

b. In addition, the Imperial Japanese Government will instruct each of its Ministries or other appropriate agencies to prepare and distribute to allincumbents of potitions described in paragraph 3 and to future applicants for government positions which are within its competence, the Questionnaire contained in Appendix ''B''. Such Questionnaires will be reviewed and on the basis of them and any other knowledge in possession of the Government, individuals will be removed from office or denied employment in accordance with the provisions of this directive.

11. Each Ministry or other appropriate agency will prepare a Plan for handling the Questionnaires which will provide for:

a. Distribution.

b. Collection.

c. Review.

d. Action on basis of information in Questionnaire.

e. Classification and fiiling -- this system should permit reference to the Questionnaire in terms of agency, rank of officials, and action taken (e.g. removal or retention.)

12. Each Plan will provide for screening of positions occupied by higher rank officials first. A duplicate set of completed Questionnaires will be provided at the Headquarters of each Ministry or other agency where it will be available for inspection or removal by this Headquarters.

13. In addition to the Questionnaires each Ministry or other agency will maintain at its headquarters an alphabetical file of Questionnaire Record Cards substantially in the form indicated in Appendix ''C'' available for inspection or removal by this Headquarters. The cards will be filled out in English (also in Japanese if desired). Idential numbers, with an identifying symbol for each Ministry or other agency, will be assigned to each Questionnaire and the Record Card relating thereto.

14. In order that the forthcoming elections may provide a full opportunity for democratic elements in Japan to obtain memberships in the Imperial Diet denied them during the years of Japan’s militaristic nationalism and aggression and in order to eliminate from the new Diet the influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest, any person who comes within the categories described in Appendix ''A'' shall be disqualified as a candidate for any elective position in the Imperial Diet. Any such person shall be disqualified from standing at any time as a candidate for Prefectural Governor or Mayor of a city (Shi). Also, all such persons shall be removed from and henceforth excluded from appointment to the House of Peers. The Imperial Japanese Government shall adopt measures to enforce this disqualification of candidates for elective office, including the issuance of necessary regulations, the publication of disqualification categories prepared in conformity herewith and the certification by each candidate that he is not thereby disqualified from standing for election. A comprehensive report of the measures proposed to be adopted will be furnished to this Headquarters.

15. The Imperial Japanese Government will make the following reports to this Headquarters (in English; in triplicate):

a. Reports required by paragraphs 8 and 14 hereof.

b. An initial report of the Plan of each Ministry or other agency called for by paragraph 11. This Headquarters may direct revision of any of these Plans if they are not considered adequate.

c. A weekly report, divided into sections for the fields of competence of each Ministry or other agency, showing:

(1) Total number of positions whose incumbents are to be investigated.

(2) Number and type of positions investigated previously and during the current week.

(3) Number of persons removed or denied employment during the current week.

(4) Names, ranks, positions, and Questionnaire numbers of persons removed or denied employment during the current week.

16. This Headquarters will provide for inspections and investigations necessary to check compliance with this directive, and the Imperial Japanese Government will render any assistance required for the making of such inspections and investigations. Action taken by the Japanese Government with respect to removal or denial of employment and with respect to disqualification of candidates for elective office will be reviewed and may be reversed by this Headquarters.

17. Wilful falsification of or failure to make full and complete disclosures in any Questionnaire, report, or Application provided for in this directive will be punishable by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers as a violation of the Surrender Terms. In addition, the Imperial Japanese Government will make any provisions necessary to provide adequate punishment in Japanese courts and under Japanese law for such wilful falsification or non-disclosure and will undertake such prosecutions as may be required.

18. In addition to the general provisions of this directive covering all public offices, this Headquarters has made and may make more restrictive requirements respecting employment of certain classes of individuals at all levels in special fields.

19. All officials and subordinates of the Imperial Japanese Government affected by the terms of this order will be held personally responsible and strictly accountable for compliance with and adherence to the spirit and letter of this directive.




                                                                 Asst Adjutant General.


Appendix A - Removal and Exclusion Categories.

Appendix B - Questionnaire.

Appendix C - Questionnaire Record Card.

                                    APPENDIX ''A''

                      Removal and Exclusion Categories

A. War Criminals.

Persons arrested as suspected war criminals unless released or acquitted.

B. Career military and naval personnel: special police and officials of the war ministries.

Any person who has at any time held any of the following positions:

1. Member of:

Board of Fleet Admirals and Field Marshals

Supreme Military Council

Imperial General Headquarters

Army and Navy General Staffs

Supreme Council for Direction of the War

2. Commissioned officer in the Imperial Japanese Regular Army or Navy or in the Special Volunteer Reserve.

3. Commissioned or non-commissioned officer, enlisted man or civilian employee who served in or with the Military Police (Kempei-Tai) or Naval police, the TOKUMU KIKAN, KAIGUN TOKUMU BU, or other special or secret intelligence or military or naval police organizations.

4. Ministry of War (unless appointed since 2 September 1945) 


Permanent Vice-Minister

Parliamentary Vice-Minister

Parliamentary Councillor

Chief Secretary

All civilian officials of the civil service rank of Chokunin, or above, or who occupy positions normally held by persons of such rank.

5. Ministry ot the Navy (unless appointed since 2 September 1945)


Permanent Vice-Minister

Perliamentary Vice-Minister

Parliamentary Councillor

Chief Secretary

All civilian officials of the civil service rank of Chokunin, or above, or who occupy positions normally held by persons of such rank.

C. Influential Members of Ultra-nationalistic, Terroristic or Secret Patriotic Societies.

Any person who has at any time:

1. Been a founder, officer, or director of; or

2. Occupied any post of authority in; or

3. Been an editor of any publication or organ of; or

4. Made substantial voluntary contributions (a sum or property the value of which is large in itself or large in proportion to the means of the individual in question) to any of the organizations or their branches, subsidiaries, agencies, or affiliates (other than the organizations referred to in paragrrph D below) described in the Memorandum to the Japanese Government on ''Abolition(原文Abelition) of Certain Political Parties, Associations and Societies'' AG 091 (4 Jan 46) GS.

D. Persons Influential in the Activities of IRRA, IRAPS, and the Political Association of Great Japan.

Any person who has at any time:

1. Been a founder or national officer, a national director, national committee chairman, or a leading official of a prefectural or metropolitan subdivision of; or

2. Been an editor of any publication or organ of:

a. The Imperial Rule Assistance Association (Taisei Yokusankai) and any of its affiliates.

b. The Imperial Rule Assistance Political Society (Taisei Seijikai) and any of its affiliates or agencies.

c. The Political Association of Great Japan and any of its affiliates or agencies.

E. Officers of Financial and Development Organizations involved in Japanese Expansions:

Any person who has at any time between 7 July 1937 and 2 September 1945, occupied any of the positions listed below;

Chairman of the Board of Directors, President, Vice-President, Director, Advisor or Auditor of any of the following or, in territory occupied by the Japanese armed forces since 7 July 1937, manager of a branch of:

             South Manchurian Railway Company

             Manchuria Development Company

             North China Development Company

             Central China Development Company

             Southern Development Company

             Taiwan Development Company

             Manchuria Heavy Industry Development Company

             Nanyo Development Company

             Oriental Development Company

             Wartime Finance Bank

             United Funds Bank

             Southern Development Bank

             Overseas Funds Bank

             Chosen Colonization Bank

             Deutsche Bank Fuer Ostasien

             Bank of Chosen

             Bank of Taiwan

             Bank of Manchukuo

             Manchurian Development Bank

             Korean Trust Company

Any other bank, development company or institution whose foremost purpose has been the financing of colonization and development activities in colonial and Japanese-occupied territory, or the financing of war production by the mobilization or control of the financial resources of colonial or Japasnee-occupied territories.

F. Governors of Occupied Territories.

Japanese officials who have held the positions listed below:

1. Korea:

             Governor General

             Chief Civilian Administrator

             Members of Privy Council

2. Formosa:

             Governor General

             Chief Civilian Administrator

3. Kwantung:

             Governor General

             Chief Administrator

             Director of the Bureau of Pacification

4. South Seas:

             Governor General

             Director of South Seas Administration Office

5. Netherlands East Indies:

             Chief Military Administrator

             Chief Civil Administrator

6. Malaya:

             Chief Military Administrator

             Chief Civil Administrator

             Mayor of Singapore

7. French Indo-China:

             Governor General

             Inspector General of Police

             Director of Bureau of General Affairs

             Financial Charge d’Affaires

8. Burma:

             Advisers to the Burmese Administration

             Chief to the Political Affairs Department of the Japanese Military Administration

             Chief of the Internal Affairs Department of the Central Administration

9. China:

             Advisers to the Nanking Puppet Government


10. Manchoukuo:

             Director of General Affairs Board

             Vice-Director of General Affairs Board

             Officers of the Central Organization of the Concordia Society

11. Others:

             Responsible Japanese Officials controlling collaborationist native governments in the mongolian Federated Autonomous Government, the Philippine Puppet Republic, the Provisional Government of Free India, and Thailand.

G. Additional Militarists and Ultra-Nationalists.

1. Any person who has denounced or contributed to the seizure of opponents of the militaristic regime.

2. Any person who has instigated or perpetrated an act of violence against opponents of the militaristic regime.

3. Any person who has played an active and predominant governmental part in the Japanese program of aggression or who by speech, writing or action has shown himself to be an active exponent of militant nationalism and aggression.


                                                                     Questionnaire number__________

                                                                     (to be assigned by 

                                                                     Ministry or other 

                                                                     Appropriate Agency)

(Instructions: This Questionnaire shall be filled out in both Japanese and English. The English version will prevail if discrepancies exist between it and the Japanese version. Answers must be typewritten or printed clearly in block letters. Every question must be answered precisely and conscientiously and no space is to be left blank. If the question is to be answered by either ''yes'' or ''no", print the word ''yes'' or ''no'' in the appropriate space. If the question is inapplicable, so indicate by some appropriate word or phrase such as ''none'' or ''not applicable''. Add supplementary sheets if there is not enough space in the Questionnaire. Ommissions or false or incomplete statements are criminal offenses and will result in prosecution and punishment.)

                                    A. PERSONAL

1. List position which you hold or for which you are under consideration, with Civil Service Grade: _____________________________________________

2. Name: ______________________________________________

                         (Surname)                    (First & Middle Name)

3. Other names which you have used or by which you have been known: ________________________________

4. Date of Birth: ________________ 5. Place of birth: ________________

6. Height: ________________ 7. Weight: ________________ 8. Scars, marks, or deformities: __________________________

9. Present address: _____________________________________

                                                     (in full)

10. Permanent Residence: _____________________________________

                                                                    (in full)

11. Identity card type & number: _________________________________

12. List any instances when you have been arrested, together with the reasons therefor, and any crimes of which you have been convicted: _____________________________________________________________________________

13. Give any Civil Service rank and grade now held: ____________________


14. In the space below, give a chronological history of your employment, including all of the positions which you have held, since 1 January 1931. In reporting either governmental or military positions, be sure to give all of the ranks which you may, at any time, have held: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


                           C. MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS

15. In the space below, report whether or not you are or were a member or a founder or organizer or an officer of a national office or of a prefectural or metropolitan sub-division of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, the Imperial Rule Assistance Political Society, or the Political Association of Great Japan. Report also whether or not you acted as editor for any publication of any of these associations or organized any branches or special activities for any of them: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. In the space below, report any other party, association, society, fraternity, club, union, institution, whether social, political, military, patriotic, professional, cultural, honorary, athletic or otherwise, of which you are or were a member. Make this report whether or not this society was secret. State whether or not you were a founder or organizer or leader, or occupied any post of authority in any such organization and whether you have been an editor of any of its publications:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________

17. Has any member of your family held office, rank, or post of authority, or been otherwise influential, in any of the organizations listed above? If so give his name and address, his relationship to you and a description of the position which he held and of the organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18. With the exception of regular membership dues, list and give deteils of any contributions of money or property which you have made, directly or indirectly, to any of the organizations listed above, including any contributions made by any natural or juridical person or legal entity on your behalf or through your solicitation or influence: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

19. Have you ever been the recipient of any titles, ranks, medals, testimonials, or other honors from any of the above organizations? If so, state the nature of the honor, the date conferred, and the reason: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                 D. RECORD OF OTHER SERVICE

20. With exception of those you have specifically mentioned in Sections B and C above, list:

(a) Any part time, unpaid or honorary position of authority or trust you have held since 1 January 1931 as a representative of the Army or Navy or of any National Ministry or other Central Government agency or as a representative of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, the Imperial Rule Assistance Political Society, the Political Association of Great Japan, or their agencies, affiliates, or successor organizations.

(b) Any service of any kind you have rendered, since 1 January 1931, in any military, police, law-enforcement, peace protection, or intelligence organization or in any organization concerned with Protection and Surveillance and control of thought, speech, religion, or assembly.


From:    To:   Name and Type of   Highest office or   Date of      Duties

                     Organization            Rank you held or  Apmt to

                                                   Type of your        highest

                                                   service                 office

                                                                              or rank


                      E. WRITINGS AND SPEECHES

21. List on a separate sheet the titles and publishers of all publications from 1 January 1931 to the present which were written in whole or in part or compiled or edited by you, and all public addresses made by you, giving subject, date and approximate circulation and in the case of speeches, the number in audience. If such publications or speeches were sponsored by any organization give its name. If no speeches or publications write ''None'' in this space: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                      F. CORPORATE POSITIONS

22. With the exception of those you have specifically mentioned above, list any corporate directorships or executive positions held by you since 1 January 1931 and were you served whether in Japan proper or outside of Japan.

               Corporation                  Position Held                   Dates


                                    G. REMARKS

23. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The statements on this Questionnaire are true and I understand that any omissions or false or incomplete statements are criminal offenses and will subject me to prosecution and punishment.

Signed_______________________________________ Date _______________

                         (Signature of individual to whom the 

                          Questionnaire relates)

                                   CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE SUPERIOR

(Instructions: This certification shall be signed by the service superior (or other responsible official) of the incumbent of public office, or, in the case of applicants for public office, by the official responsible for employing the applicant).

I certify that the above is the true name and signature of the individual concerned and that, with the exceptions noted below, the answers made on this Questionnaire are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and the information available to me.

     Exceptions (if no exceptions, write ''none'')


Signed ___________________ Official Position __________ Date __________

                      QUESTIONNAIRE RECORD CARD

                                                                              Questionnaire No. __________

NAME: _____________________________________________ Japanese Governmental

                       (Surname)                  (First & Middle Name)

ADDRESS: _________________________________________ Agency ________________

Position which applicant holds or for which he is under consideration (with Civil Service Grade):


Summary of pertinent portions of Individual's Record:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ACTION TAKEN       (Check one):                      DATE: _______________

(          )  Removed from position: __________________________________

                                                                   (describe position)

(          )  Application for employment as _____________________________denied.

                                                                   (describe position)

(          )  Retained in position: ______________________________________

                                                                   (describe position)

(          )  Application for employment as: _________________________ approved.


(Here record any applications to Hq, SCAP, for approval of appointment or reinstatement, the action taken by Hq, SCAP, on such application, the action taken by the Japanese Government accordingly and the date of such action. Also record any other action concerning the individual, such as reversal of initial retention of the individual upon direction of SCAP, conviction of the individual for falsifications or omissions in the Questionnaire, subsequent employment of the individual, etc.)



(Source:国立国会図書館 https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/9885619)


件名: 公職から好ましくない人物の排除

1. ポツダム宣言にはこうある。「我々は、無責任な軍国主義が世界から追放されない限り、平和、安全、正義の新秩序は不可能であることを主張する」。


a. 軍国主義的国粋主義および侵略主義の積極的提唱者

b. 日本の超国家主義的、テロリズム的、または秘密愛国主義的な団体およびその機関または関連団体の有力な構成員。

c. 大日本帝国支配支援協会、大日本帝国支配支援政治結社、大日本政治結社の活動に影響力のある者。


3. この指令で使用される「公職」という用語は、以下を意味し、含むものとする。

a. 政府機関において、職責が職権階級以上(又は職権階級の改編があった場合にはそれに相当する階級)の者によって慣例的に担われている職。

b. 官公庁の職員が慣行的に就いていないその他の職で、職階が職階と同等以上のもの(政府機関の場合、少なくとも以下の職階が含まれる)。理事長、社長、副社長、取締役、顧問、監査役)。

4. 本指針でいう「公務員」とは、日本政府及び都道府県政府並びにそれらの機関及び地方支分部局(地方行政局を含む)及び事務所におけるすべての職並びに当該政府又はその機関が実質的又は実務的に支配する経済的利益を有する法人、団体及びその他の組織におけるすべての職を意味し、含むものであること。

5. この指令で使用される「公職から解任する」という言葉は、その人が持つ公職から解任し、直接的、間接的にその影響力と参加を停止させることを意味するものとする。公職から解任された者は、本部の同意がない限り、公的または私的な年金その他の報酬または便益を受ける権利を有しない。この手続により罷免された職員は、略式に罷免され、日本の法律により受けることができる聴聞その他の罷免の先例となる手続を受ける権利を有しない。

6. この指令で「官職から除く」という用語は、当該者を官職のいかなる地位からも締め出すことを意味する。従って、公職から解任された者は、政府機関の他のいかなる地位にも就く資格を失うことになる。また、解任されるべき公職に就いていない者であっても、政府機関の役職に就くことを禁じられることがある。この公職に就く資格の喪失は、第一項で引用したポツダム宣言の規定が日本国において履行されるまでの間、継続するものとする。


8. この指令によって命ぜられた退去は、できる限りすみやかに、より重要な地位に優先して行わなければならない。この指令による退去は、周辺戦域における日本軍の復員を確保するため、又はこの指令の規定を実施するために絶対に必要な個人の場合は、延期することができる。その援助がもはや絶対的に必要とされなくなったとき、その者は解雇される。このような個人の氏名、地位、資格を喪失した理由、一時的に留任させた理由は、速やかに本司令部に報告される。また、最終的な解雇の時期も速やかに報告される。

9. 別添Aは、この指令の第2項の規定を実施するため、日本政府が公職を解任し、公務から排除しなければならない者の区分を示す一覧表である。別表Aに掲げる者は、第八項及び第十項に定めるところにより公職を解かれ、その後官職から排除されるものとする。ただし、日本帝国政府が、当該政府の不可欠な平和的行政活動を遂行するため、解任された者の一時的な復職が不可欠であり、適当な代替者を得ることができないと表明した場合には、日本帝国政府の責任者が署名したその旨の申請書を本部に提出することができる。申請書には、関係者の氏名、階級、地位、職務及び責任を記載し、一時的復職が不可欠であると認められる理由、一時的復職の希望期間並びに適当な代替者を得るために行った努力を十分に述べなければならない。この申請書には、以下の第10項に記載されている質問表の写しを添付しなければならない。日本政府は、本部の文書による承認があるまで、そのような一時的な復職を認めない。

10. 政府の役務から望ましくない人材を排除するため、次の措置がとられる。

a. 日本帝国政府は、各省庁又は他の適当な機関に対し、その権限内にある第 3 項に記載された職 位から、記録上附属書 A に列記されたカテゴリーに属する者又は属していたことが判明している者を除 外するよう指示するものとする。解雇が通知される前に、そのような各個人から質問表(下記参照)が入手される。

b. さらに、日本国政府は、各省庁又は他の適当な機関に対し、その権限の及ぶ範囲内で、第 3項に掲げる役職の現職者及び将来の政府の役職の志願者に対し、添付書類Bに含まれる調査票を作成し配布するよう指示する。当該調査票は、審査され、それ及び政府が保有するその他の知識に基づき、本指令の規定 に従って、個人が罷免され又は雇用が拒否される。

11. 各省又はその他の適切な機関は、以下の事項を規定した質問票の取り扱い計画を作成する。

a. 配布

b. 回収

c. レビュー

d. アンケートの情報に基づいてのアクション。

e. 分類とファイリング:このシステムは、機関、職員の階級、および実施された処置(解任または保持など)の観点から質問票を参照できるようにする必要があります。

12. 各計画は、より高いランクの職員が占める役職を最初にスクリーニングすることを規定する。記入済みの調査票の複製は、各省庁の本部に置かれ、本部による閲覧や持ち出しが可能な状態にする。

13. 調査票に加えて,各省又はその他の機関は,本部に,付録「C」に示す形式の調査票記録カード のアルファベット順のファイルを保持し,本部の閲覧又は持ち出しに供しなければならない。このカードは、英語(希望により日本語も可)で記入される。調査票及び調査票記録カードには、各省庁の識別記号を付した識別番号を付す。

14. 第14条 日本の軍国主義的国家主義及び侵略の時代に拒否された帝国議会の議員を、来るべき選挙において日本の民主的構成員が獲得する機会を十分に与えるため、及び日本国民を欺いて世界征服に乗り出させた者の影響を新しい国会から排除するため、別紙「A」に記載する区分に属する者は、帝国議会のいかなる選挙区の候補者としての資格も喪失されるものとする。そのような者は、都道府県知事または市町村長の候補者となる資格を喪失する。また、そのような者は、すべて貴族院議員を解任され、以後、その任に服することができない。日本帝国政府は、必要な規則の発行、これに従って作成された欠格条項の公表、及び各候補者による選挙に立候補する資格を喪失していないことの証明等、選挙人候補者のこの欠格条項を実施するための措置を講じなければならない。採用される予定の措置の包括的な報告書は本部に提出される予定です。


a. 本条第八項及び第十四項により要求される報告

b. 第11項により要請された各省庁の計画に関する最初の報告。本部は、これらの計画が適切でないと判断した場合、その修正を指示することができる。

c. 各省又はその他の機関の能力分野ごとに区分された週報で、次の事項を示すもの。

(1) 調査の対象となる役職の総数。

(2) 前回及び当週に調査された役職の数及び種類。



16. 本部は、この指令の遵守を確認するために必要な検査及び調査を行い、日本帝国政府は、この検査及び 調査を行うために必要な援助を提供する。日本政府による雇用の除去又は拒否及び被選挙権を有する候補者の資格の喪失に関する措置は、本部において審査され、かつ、取り消されることがある。








付録 省略

(www.DeepL.com/Translator による翻訳を基に修正)



日清修好条規 1871年09月13日

内容見直し点:口語訳中途 修好条規(口語訳、前文署名省略) 第一条 この条約締結のあとは、大日本国と大清国は弥和誼を敦うし、天地と共に窮まり無るべし。又両国に属したる邦土も、各礼を以て相待ち、すこしも侵越する事なく永久安全を得せしむべし。 第二条 両国好を通ぜし上は、必ず相関切す。若し他国より不公及び軽藐する事有る時、其知らせを為さば、何れも互に相助け、或は中に入り、程克く取扱い、友誼を敦くすべし。 第三条 両国の政事禁令各異なれば、其政事は己国自主の権に任すべし。彼此に於て何れも代謀干預して禁じたる事を、取り行わんと請い願う事を得ず。其禁令は互に相助け、各其商民に諭し、土人を誘惑し、聊違犯あるを許さず。 第四条 両国秉権大臣を差出し、其眷属随員を召具して京師に在留し、或は長く居留し、或は時々往来し、内地各処を通行する事を得べし。其入費は何れも自分より払うべし。其地面家宅を賃借して大臣等の公館と為し、並びに行李の往来及び飛脚を仕立書状を送る等の事は、何れも不都合がないように世話しなければならない。 第五条 両国の官位何れも定品有りといえども、職を授る事各同じからず。因彼此の職掌相当する者は、応接及び交通とも均く対待の礼を用ゆ。職卑き者と上官と相見るには客礼を行い、公務を辨ずるに付ては、職掌相当の官へ照会す。其上官へ転申し直達する事を得ず。又双方礼式の出会には、各官位の名帖を用う。凡両国より差出したる官員初て任所に到着せば、印証ある書付を出し見せ、仮冒なき様の防ぎをなすべし。 第六条 今後両国を往復する公文について、清国は漢文を用い、日本国は日本文を用いて漢訳文を副えることとする。あるいはただ漢文のみを用い、その記載に従うものとする。 (これ以下まだ) 第七条 両国好みを通ぜし上は、海岸の各港に於て彼此し共に場所を指定め、商民の往来貿易を許すべし。猶別に通商章程を立て、両国の商民に永遠遵守せしむべし。 第八条 両国の開港場には、彼此何れも理事官を差置き、自国商民の取締をなすべし。凡家財、産業、公事、訴訟に干係せし事件は、都て其裁判に帰し、何れも自国の律例を按して糾辨すべし。両国商民相互の訴訟には、何れも願書体を用う。理事官は先ず理解を加え、成丈け訴訟に及ばざる様にすべし。其儀能わざる時は、地方官に掛合い双方出会し公平に裁断すべし。尤盗賊欠落等の事件は、両国の地方官より

ダンバートン・オークス提案(一般的国際機構設立に関する提案) 1944年10月09日

 ダンバートン・オークス提案(一般的国際機構設立に関する提案)(訳文)     一般的国際機構設立に関する提案 (「ダンバートン、オークス」会議の結果「ソ」連邦、米国、英国及重慶政権に依り提案せられ千九百四十四年十月九日発表せられたるもの) (本提案の英文は千九百四十四年十月十一日附「モスコー、ニュース」より之を採り「ストックホルム」電報等に依り長短相補ひたるものなり) 「国際連合」なる名称の下に一の国際機構設立せらるべく其の憲章は左の提案を具現するに必要なる規定を掲ぐべし    第一章 目的 本機構の目的は左の如くなるべし 一、国際平和及安寧を保持すること、右目的の為平和に対する脅威の防止及除去並に侵略行為又は他の平和侵害行為の抑圧を目的とする効果的且集団的措置を執ること及平和の侵害に至るの虞ある国際紛争を平和的方法に依り調整又は解決すること 二、各国間の友好関係を発展せしめ且世界平和を強化すべき他の適当なる措置を執ること 三、各国間の経済的、社会的及他の人道上の問題の解決の為国際協力を完成すること及 四、右共同目的完成の為各国の行動を調整すべき中心たるべきこと    第二章 原則 第一章に掲げたる目的を遂行せんが為本機構及其の締盟国は以下の原則に従ひ行動すべし 一、本機構は一切の平和愛好国の主権平等の原則に其の基礎を置くものとす 二、本機構の一切の締盟国は締盟国全部に対し締盟国たるの地位に基く権利及利益を保障する為憲章に従ひ負担したる義務を履行することを約す 三、本機構の一切の締盟国は其の紛争を国際平和及安寧を危殆ならしめざるが如き平和的方法に依り解決すべきものとす 四、本機構の一切の締盟国は其の国際関係に於て本機構の目的と両立せざる如何なる方法に於ても脅威又は兵力の行使を避くるものとす 五、本機構の一切の締盟国は本機構が憲章の規定に従ひ執るべき如何なる行動に於ても之に対し有らゆる援助を与ふるものとす 六、本機構の一切の締盟国は本機構が防遏的又は強制的行動を執行中なる如何なる国家に対しても援助を与ふることを避くるものとす 本機構は、国際平和及安寧保持に必要なる限り本機構の非締盟国が右原則に従ひ行動することを確実ならしむべし    第三章 締盟国 一切の平和愛好国は本機構の締盟国たり得べし    第四章 主要機関 一、本機構は其の主要機関として左記を有すべし  イ

第二次近衛声明(東亜新秩序建設の声明) 1938年11月03日

 第二次近衛声明(東亜新秩序建設の声明)                     (昭和十三年十一月三日)  今や 陛下の御稜威に依り帝国陸海軍は、克く広東、武漢三鎮を攻略して、支那の要域を戡定したり。国民政府は既に地方の一政権に過ぎず。然れども、尚ほ同政府にして抗日容共政策を固執する限り、これが潰滅を見るまで、帝国は断じて矛を収むることなし。  帝国の冀求する所は、東亜永遠の安定を確保すべき新秩序の建設に在り。今次征戦究極の目的亦此に存す。  この新秩序の建設は日満支三国相携へ、政治、経済、文化等各般に亘り互助連環の関係を樹立するを以て根幹とし、東亜に於ける国際正義の確立、共同防共の達成、新文化の創造、経済結合の実現を期するにあり。是れ実に東亜を安定し、世界の進運に寄与する所以なり。  帝国が支那に望む所は、この東亜新秩序建設の任務を分担せんことに在り。帝国は支那国民が能く我が真意を理解し、以て帝国の協力に応へむことを期待す。固より国民政府と雖も従来の指導政策を一擲し、その人的構成を改替して更生の実を挙げ、新秩序の建設に来り参ずるに於ては敢て之を拒否するものにあらず。  帝国は列国も亦帝国の意図を正確に認識し、東亜の新情勢に適応すべきを信じて疑はず。就中、盟朋諸国従来の厚誼に対しては深くこれを多とするものなり。  惟ふに東亜に於ける新秩序の建設は、我が肇国の精神に淵源し、これを完成するは、現代日本国民に課せられたる光栄ある責務なり。帝国は必要なる国内諸般の改新を断行して、愈々国家総力の拡充を図り、万難を排して斯業の達成に邁進せざるべからず。  茲に政府は帝国不動の方針と決意とを声明す。 (国立公文書館:「近衛首相演述集」(その二)/1 第一章 「声明、告諭、訓令、訓辞」 B02030031600)