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中立法 1935年08月31日



 "Neutrality Act" of August 31, 1935, Joint Resolution 49 stat. 1081; 22 U.S.C. 441 note

Providing for the prohibition of the export of arms, ammunition, and implements of war to belligerent countries; the prohibition of the transportation of arms, ammunition, and implements of war by vessels of the United States for the use of belligerent states; for the registration and licensing of persons engaged in the business of manufacturing, exporting, or importing arms, ammunition, or implements of war; and restricting travel by American citizens on belligerent ships during war.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That upon the outbreak or during the progress of war between, or among, two or more foreign states, the President shall proclaim such fact, and it shall thereafter be unlawful to export arms, ammunition, or implements of war from any place in the United States, or possessions of the United States, to any port of such belligerent states, or to any neutral port for transshipment to, or for the use of, a belligerent country.

The President, by proclamation, shall definitely enumerate the arms, ammunition, or implements of war, the export of which is prohibited by this Act.

The President may, from time to time, by proclamation, extend such embargo upon the export of arms, ammunition, or implements of war to other states as and when they may become involved in such war.

Whoever, in violation of any of the provisions of this section, shall export, or attempt to export, or cause to be exported, arms, ammunition, or implements of war from the United States, or any of its possessions, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, and the property, vessel, or vehicle containing the same shall be subject to the provisions of sections 1 to 8, inclusive, title 6, chapter 30, of the Act approved June 15, 1917 (40 Stat. 223-225; U. S. C., title 22, sees. 238-245).

In the case of the forfeiture of any arms, ammunition, or implements of war by reason of a violation of this Act, no public or private sale shall be required; but such arms, ammunition, or implements of war shall be delivered to the Secretary of War for such use or disposal thereof as shall be approved by the President.

When in the judgment of the President the conditions which have caused him to issue his proclamation have ceased to exist he shall revoke the same and the provisions hereof shall thereupon cease to apply.

Except with respect to prosecutions committed or forfeitures incurred prior to March 1, 1936, this section and all proclamations issued thereunder shall not be effective after February 29, 1936.

Sec. 2.

That for the purpose of this Act- (a) The term "Board" means the National Munitions Control Board which is hereby established to carry out the provisions of this Act. The Board shall consist of the Secretary of State, who shall be chairman and executive officer of the Board; the Secretary of the Treasury; the Secretary of War; the Secretary of the Navy; and the Secretary of Commerce. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, or by other law, the administration of this Act is vested in the Department of State; (b) The term "United States" when used in a geographical sense, includes the several States and Territories, the insular possessions of the United States (including the Philippine Islands), the Canal Zone, and the District of Columbia; (c) The term "person" includes a partnership, company, association, or corporation, as well as a natural person.

Within ninety days after the effective date of this Act, or upon first engaging in business, every person who engages in the business of manufacturing, exporting, or importing any of the arms, ammunition, and implements of war referred to in this Act, whether as an exporter, importer, manufacturer, or dealer, shall register with the Secretary of State his name, or business name, principal place of business, and places of business in the United States, and a list of the arms, ammunition, and implements of war which he manufactures, imports, or exports.

Every person required to register under this section shall notify the Secretary of State of any change in the arms, ammunition, and implements of war which he exports, imports, or manufactures; and upon such notification the Secretary of State shall issue to such person an amended certificate of registration, free of charge, which shall remain valid until the date of expiration of the original certificate. Every person required to register under the provisions of this section shall pay a registration fee of $500, and upon receipt of such fee the Secretary of State shall issue a registration certificate valid for five years, which shall be renewable for further periods of five years upon the payment of each renewal of a fee of $500.

It shall be unlawful for any person to export, or attempt to export, from the United States any of the arms, ammunition, or implements of war referred to in this Act to any other country or to import, or attempt to import, to the United States from any other country any of the arms, ammunition, or implements of war referred to in this Act without first having obtained a license therefore.

All persons required to register under this section shall maintain, subject to the inspection of the Board, such permanent records of manufacture for export, importation, and exportation of arms, ammunition, and implements of war as the Board shall prescribe.

Licenses shall be issued to persons who have registered as provided for, except in cases of export or import licenses where exportation of arms, ammunition, or implements of war would be in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States, or of a treaty to which the United States is a party, in which cases such licenses shall not be issued.

The Board shall be called by the Chairman and shall hold at least one meeting a year.

No purchase of arms, ammunition, and implements of war shall be made on behalf of the United States by any officer, executive department, or independent establishment of the Government from any person who shall have failed to register under the provisions of this Act.

The Board shall make an annual report to Congress, copies of which shall be distributed as are other reports transmitted to Congress. Such report shall contain such information and data collected by the Board as may be considered of value in the determination of questions connected with the control of trade in arms, ammunition, and implements of war. It shall include a list of all persons required to register under the provisions of this Act, and full information concerning the licenses issued hereunder.

The Secretary of State shall promulgate such rules and regulations with regard to the enforcement of this section as he may deem necessary to carry out its provisions.

The President is hereby authorized to proclaim upon recommendation of the Board from time to time a list of articles which shall be considered arms, ammunition, and implements of war for the purposes of this section.

This section shall take effect on the ninetieth day after the date of its enactment.

Sec. 3.

Whenever the President shall issue the proclamation provided for in section 1 of this Act, thereafter it shall be unlawful for any American vessel to carry any arms, ammunition, or implements of war to any port of the belligerent countries named in such proclamation as being at war, or to any neutral port for transshipment to, or for the use of, a belligerent country.

Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this section, shall take, attempt to take, or shall authorize, hire, or solicit another to take any such vessel carrying such cargo out of port or from the jurisdiction of the United States shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; and, in addition, such vessel, her tackle, apparel, furniture, equipment, and the arms, ammunition, and implements of war on board shall be forfeited to the United States.

When the President finds the conditions which have caused him to issue his proclamation have ceased to exist, he shall revoke his proclamation, and the provisions of this section shall thereupon cease to apply.

Sec. 4.

Whenever, during any war in which the United States is neutral, the President, or any person "hereunto authorized by him, shall have cause to believe that any vessel, domestic or foreign, whether requiring clearance or not, is about to carry out of a port of the United States, or its possession, men or fuel, arms, ammunition, implements of war, or other supplies to any warship, tender, or supply ship of a foreign belligerent nation, but the evidence is not deemed sufficient to justify forbidding the departure of the vessel as provided for by section 1, title V, chapter 30, of the Act approved June 15, 1917 (40 Stat. [221[22]]; U. S. C. title 18, sec. 31), and if, in the President's judgment, such action will serve to maintain peace between the United States and foreign nations, or to protect the commercial interests of the United States and its citizens, or to promote the security of the United States, he shall have the power and it shall be his duty to require the owner, master, or person in command thereof, before departing from a port of the United States, or any of its possessions, for a foreign port, to give a bond to the United States, with sufficient sureties, in such amount as he shall deem proper, conditioned that the vessel will not deliver the men, or the cargo, or any part thereof, to any warship, tender, or supply ship of a belligerent nation; and, if the President, or any person thereunto authorized by him, shall find that a vessel, domestic or foreign, in a port of the United States, or one of its possessions, has previously cleared from such port during such war and delivered its cargo or any part thereof to a warship, tender, or supply ship of a belligerent nation, he may prohibit the departure of such vessel during the duration of the war.

Sec. 5.

Whenever, during any war in which the United States is neutral, the President shall find that special restrictions placed on the use of the ports and territorial waters of the United States, or of its possessions, by the submarines of a foreign nation will serve to maintain peace between the United States and foreign nations, or to protect the commercial interests of the United States and its citizens, or to promote the security of the United States, and shall make proclamation thereof, it shall thereafter be unlawful for any such submarine to enter a port or the territorial waters of the United States or any of its possessions, or to depart therefrom, except under such conditions and subject to such limitations as the President may prescribe. When, in his judgment, the conditions which have caused him to issue his proclamation have ceased to exist, he shall revoke his proclamation and the provisions of this section shall thereupon cease to apply.

Sec. 6.

Whenever, during any war in which the United States is neutral, the President shall find that the maintenance of peace between the United States and foreign nations, or the protection of the lives of citizens of the United States, or the protection of the commercial interests of the United States and its citizens, or the security of the United States requires that the American citizens should refrain from traveling as passengers on the vessels of any belligerent nation, he shall so proclaim, and thereafter no citizen of the United States shall travel on any vessel of any belligerent nation except at his own risk, unless in accordance with such rules and regulations as the President shall prescribe: Provided, however, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to a citizen traveling on the vessel of a belligerent whose voyage was begun in advance of the date of the President's proclamation, and who had no opportunity to discontinue his voyage after that date: And provided further, That they shall not apply under ninety days after the date of the President's proclamation to a citizen returning from a foreign country to the United States or to any of its possessions. When, in the President's judgment, the conditions which have caused him to issue his proclamation have ceased to exist, he shall revoke his proclamation and the provisions of this section shall thereupon cease to apply.

Sec. 7.

In every case of the violation of any of the provisions of this Act where a specific penalty is not herein provided, such violator or violators, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Sec. 8.

If any of the provisions of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

Sec. 9.

The sum of $25,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended by the Secretary of State in administering this Act.

Approved, August 31, 1935.



1935年8月31日の「中立法」 両院合同決議 49条1081号; 22 U.S.C. 441注釈





本項の規定に違反して、合衆国又はその所有地から武器、弾薬又は戦争用品を輸出し、又は輸出しようとし、もしくは輸出させた者は、10,000ドル以下の罰金もしくは5年以下の懲役に処せられ、又はこれを併科されるものとし、また、これを含む財産、船舶又は車両は、1917年6月15日に承認された法律(40 Stat. 223-225; U. S. C.、 合衆国法典第22編、238-245条を参照)。






















合衆国が中立国である戦争中、大統領又は大統領によって「権限を与えられた」者が、国内船舶又は外国船舶が、通関を要するか否かを問わず、合衆国の港又はその所有地から、人員又は燃料を搬出しようとしていると信じるに足りる理由を有するときはいつでも、その証拠は、外国の交戦国の軍艦、入札船又は補給船に対して、武器、弾薬、戦争用具又はその他の物資を搬出することを禁止することを正当化するに足りるものとはみなされない、 しかし、その証拠は、1917年6月15日に承認された法律(40 Stat. [U. S. C. title 18, sec. 31)であり、大統領の判断により、かかる措置が米国と外国との間の平和の維持、米国及びその国民の商業上の利益の保護、又は米国の安全保障の促進に役立つ場合、大統領は、その船舶の所有者、船長、又は指揮官に対し、当該船舶の出港を要求する権限を有し、またその義務を負うものとする、合衆国又はその属領のいずれかの港から外国港に向けて出港する前に、合衆国に対し、十分な保証人とともに、当該船舶が交戦国の軍艦、入札船又は補給船に人員又は積荷もしくはその一部を引き渡さないことを条件として、適当と認める額の保証金を支払うこと; また、大統領又は大統領から権限を与えられた者は、米国又はその所有地の港にある船舶(内航船又は外国船)が、戦争中に当該港を出港し、交戦国の軍艦、入札船又は補給船に積荷又はその一部を引き渡したことがあると認める場合、戦争期間中、当該船舶の出港を禁止することができる。


合衆国が中立国である戦争中、大統領が、外国の潜水艦による合衆国又はその所有地の港湾及び領海の使用に特別な制限を設けることが、合衆国と外国の間の平和を維持し、又は合衆国及びその国民の商業上の利益を保護し、あるいは合衆国の安全を促進するために役立つと認めるときはいつでも、そのような潜水艦が合衆国又はその所有地の港湾又は領海に入港することは、以後、違法とする、 そのような潜水艦が合衆国又はその所有地の港又は領海に入港すること、又はそこから出港することは、大統領が定める条件及び制限の下にある場合を除き、以後違法とする。大統領の判断により、大統領布告を発する原因となった条件が存在しなくなった場合、大統領はその布告を撤回し、本項の規定はその時点で適用されなくなるものとする。


合衆国が中立国である戦争中、大統領は、合衆国と諸外国との間の平和の維持、合衆国市民の生命の保護、合衆国及びその市民の商業上の利益の保護、又は合衆国の安全保障のために、合衆国市民が交戦国の船舶に乗客として乗船することを控える必要があると認めるときはいつでも、その旨を宣言する、 以後、大統領が定める規則及び規定に従う場合を除き、合衆国市民は、自己の危険を顧みない限り、いかなる交戦国の船舶にも乗船してはならない: ただし、本項の規定は、大統領の布告日より前に航海が開始され、その日以降に航海を中止する機会がなかった交戦国の船舶で旅行する市民には適用されないものとする。さらに、大統領の布告日から90日以内に外国から米国又はその領土に帰還する市民には適用されないものとする。大統領の判断により、大統領布告を発する原因となった状況が存在しなくなった場合、大統領はその布告を撤回するものとし、その時点で本項の規定は適用されなくなるものとする。











日清修好条規 1871年09月13日

内容見直し点:口語訳中途 修好条規(口語訳、前文署名省略) 第一条 この条約締結のあとは、大日本国と大清国は弥和誼を敦うし、天地と共に窮まり無るべし。又両国に属したる邦土も、各礼を以て相待ち、すこしも侵越する事なく永久安全を得せしむべし。 第二条 両国好を通ぜし上は、必ず相関切す。若し他国より不公及び軽藐する事有る時、其知らせを為さば、何れも互に相助け、或は中に入り、程克く取扱い、友誼を敦くすべし。 第三条 両国の政事禁令各異なれば、其政事は己国自主の権に任すべし。彼此に於て何れも代謀干預して禁じたる事を、取り行わんと請い願う事を得ず。其禁令は互に相助け、各其商民に諭し、土人を誘惑し、聊違犯あるを許さず。 第四条 両国秉権大臣を差出し、其眷属随員を召具して京師に在留し、或は長く居留し、或は時々往来し、内地各処を通行する事を得べし。其入費は何れも自分より払うべし。其地面家宅を賃借して大臣等の公館と為し、並びに行李の往来及び飛脚を仕立書状を送る等の事は、何れも不都合がないように世話しなければならない。 第五条 両国の官位何れも定品有りといえども、職を授る事各同じからず。因彼此の職掌相当する者は、応接及び交通とも均く対待の礼を用ゆ。職卑き者と上官と相見るには客礼を行い、公務を辨ずるに付ては、職掌相当の官へ照会す。其上官へ転申し直達する事を得ず。又双方礼式の出会には、各官位の名帖を用う。凡両国より差出したる官員初て任所に到着せば、印証ある書付を出し見せ、仮冒なき様の防ぎをなすべし。 第六条 今後両国を往復する公文について、清国は漢文を用い、日本国は日本文を用いて漢訳文を副えることとする。あるいはただ漢文のみを用い、その記載に従うものとする。 (これ以下まだ) 第七条 両国好みを通ぜし上は、海岸の各港に於て彼此し共に場所を指定め、商民の往来貿易を許すべし。猶別に通商章程を立て、両国の商民に永遠遵守せしむべし。 第八条 両国の開港場には、彼此何れも理事官を差置き、自国商民の取締をなすべし。凡家財、産業、公事、訴訟に干係せし事件は、都て其裁判に帰し、何れも自国の律例を按して糾辨すべし。両国商民相互の訴訟には、何れも願書体を用う。理事官は先ず理解を加え、成丈け訴訟に及ばざる様にすべし。其儀能わざる時は、地方官に掛合い双方出会し公平に裁断すべし。尤盗賊欠落等の事件は、両国の地方官より

ダンバートン・オークス提案(一般的国際機構設立に関する提案) 1944年10月09日

 ダンバートン・オークス提案(一般的国際機構設立に関する提案)(訳文)     一般的国際機構設立に関する提案 (「ダンバートン、オークス」会議の結果「ソ」連邦、米国、英国及重慶政権に依り提案せられ千九百四十四年十月九日発表せられたるもの) (本提案の英文は千九百四十四年十月十一日附「モスコー、ニュース」より之を採り「ストックホルム」電報等に依り長短相補ひたるものなり) 「国際連合」なる名称の下に一の国際機構設立せらるべく其の憲章は左の提案を具現するに必要なる規定を掲ぐべし    第一章 目的 本機構の目的は左の如くなるべし 一、国際平和及安寧を保持すること、右目的の為平和に対する脅威の防止及除去並に侵略行為又は他の平和侵害行為の抑圧を目的とする効果的且集団的措置を執ること及平和の侵害に至るの虞ある国際紛争を平和的方法に依り調整又は解決すること 二、各国間の友好関係を発展せしめ且世界平和を強化すべき他の適当なる措置を執ること 三、各国間の経済的、社会的及他の人道上の問題の解決の為国際協力を完成すること及 四、右共同目的完成の為各国の行動を調整すべき中心たるべきこと    第二章 原則 第一章に掲げたる目的を遂行せんが為本機構及其の締盟国は以下の原則に従ひ行動すべし 一、本機構は一切の平和愛好国の主権平等の原則に其の基礎を置くものとす 二、本機構の一切の締盟国は締盟国全部に対し締盟国たるの地位に基く権利及利益を保障する為憲章に従ひ負担したる義務を履行することを約す 三、本機構の一切の締盟国は其の紛争を国際平和及安寧を危殆ならしめざるが如き平和的方法に依り解決すべきものとす 四、本機構の一切の締盟国は其の国際関係に於て本機構の目的と両立せざる如何なる方法に於ても脅威又は兵力の行使を避くるものとす 五、本機構の一切の締盟国は本機構が憲章の規定に従ひ執るべき如何なる行動に於ても之に対し有らゆる援助を与ふるものとす 六、本機構の一切の締盟国は本機構が防遏的又は強制的行動を執行中なる如何なる国家に対しても援助を与ふることを避くるものとす 本機構は、国際平和及安寧保持に必要なる限り本機構の非締盟国が右原則に従ひ行動することを確実ならしむべし    第三章 締盟国 一切の平和愛好国は本機構の締盟国たり得べし    第四章 主要機関 一、本機構は其の主要機関として左記を有すべし  イ

第二次近衛声明(東亜新秩序建設の声明) 1938年11月03日

 第二次近衛声明(東亜新秩序建設の声明)                     (昭和十三年十一月三日)  今や 陛下の御稜威に依り帝国陸海軍は、克く広東、武漢三鎮を攻略して、支那の要域を戡定したり。国民政府は既に地方の一政権に過ぎず。然れども、尚ほ同政府にして抗日容共政策を固執する限り、これが潰滅を見るまで、帝国は断じて矛を収むることなし。  帝国の冀求する所は、東亜永遠の安定を確保すべき新秩序の建設に在り。今次征戦究極の目的亦此に存す。  この新秩序の建設は日満支三国相携へ、政治、経済、文化等各般に亘り互助連環の関係を樹立するを以て根幹とし、東亜に於ける国際正義の確立、共同防共の達成、新文化の創造、経済結合の実現を期するにあり。是れ実に東亜を安定し、世界の進運に寄与する所以なり。  帝国が支那に望む所は、この東亜新秩序建設の任務を分担せんことに在り。帝国は支那国民が能く我が真意を理解し、以て帝国の協力に応へむことを期待す。固より国民政府と雖も従来の指導政策を一擲し、その人的構成を改替して更生の実を挙げ、新秩序の建設に来り参ずるに於ては敢て之を拒否するものにあらず。  帝国は列国も亦帝国の意図を正確に認識し、東亜の新情勢に適応すべきを信じて疑はず。就中、盟朋諸国従来の厚誼に対しては深くこれを多とするものなり。  惟ふに東亜に於ける新秩序の建設は、我が肇国の精神に淵源し、これを完成するは、現代日本国民に課せられたる光栄ある責務なり。帝国は必要なる国内諸般の改新を断行して、愈々国家総力の拡充を図り、万難を排して斯業の達成に邁進せざるべからず。  茲に政府は帝国不動の方針と決意とを声明す。 (国立公文書館:「近衛首相演述集」(その二)/1 第一章 「声明、告諭、訓令、訓辞」 B02030031600)